Press X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Sqaure, Left, Circle.Īn easy way to get Gon is to play in SURVIVAL MODE until prompted for intials, then enter GON You will then get him. His FMV will show him dancing at a disco. Then press X to choose him and finish the game beat everyone using only Tiger and you will get his FMV. To get Tiger, just highlight Eddy and press Triangle and the name will change to Tiger. To unlock this mode you have to complete Arcade mode with every fighter.

And then try it again! Just keep on doing it, he will show up, I tested it already and it works! Beat him and get him as a playable character! (NOTE) Unlocking Kazuya is a BIG coincidence! It may take you 25 tries just to unlock Kazuya! If you not fighting Kazuya after one try of 1000 total battles. Step 3: you MUST beat Arcade Mode 1000 times, don't even die once! After all of those battles you've won, your rewarded with fighting Kazuya. Step 2: Play as Bryan Fury in Arcade Mode! Step 1: You MUST have everything unlocked before unlocking Kazuya! Note: You dont have to unlock Dr.B, gon and tiger to get tekken ball mode!

To play tekken volley ball mode, unlock all charcters! Go to time attack mode and start a game, lose instantly and enter your name as gon, then you should be able to select Gon.Īt start menu Press R2, R2, R2, R2, R1, R1, R2, L1, L1, L2. Get all players in battle press L1, L2, R2, then press Triangle x4 then Circle x2.